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Yang Li Jun

Editor:jky Date:2018-04-10 Views:




YangLi Jun, Director of Department of Preschool Education, School of EducationScience, Hunan Normal University. Doctor of Education, Professor,Ph.D.Supervisor, Preschool Education Academic Leader, Expert in the NationalTeacher Training Database of the Ministry of Education, Member of theKindergarten Curriculum and Teaching Committee of the National PreschoolEducation Research Association, Member of the Teacher Development Committee ofthe National Preschool Education Research Association, and the Deputy Chairmanof the HuHan Preschool Education Association.The research directions are mainlyembodied in kindergarten curriculum, preschool children's development andeducation, preschool education policies and regulations. Independently presided18 national and provincial-level scientific researches projects. Have finished3 monographs, more than 30 CSSCI papers and 40 textbooks, and won second prizein the Teaching Achievement of Higher Education in Hunan Province. The"Preschool Education Policy and Regulations" was recognized as a highQuality Course of National Teacher Education in 2017, and everyone who isinterested can watch from the iCourse Platform .


Theresearch achievements in the past 10 yearsasfollows:
I.Independently Presided Researches 

1.2017-2010The “13th Five-Year” General Education Project of the National Social ScienceFund “Precise Support to Education: Research on Quality Assurance of PreschoolEducation in the Midwestern Poor Countryside”. (Project Number:BHA170116;Understudy)
2. 2017-2020 “Study on Quality Evaluation Criteria for Kindergarten
Conservation and EducationBasedon Process Indicators” of the Hunan Provincial Key Program for EducationPlanning. (Project NumberXJK17AJC001 ;Under study) 

3.2017-2020 The Research on the Guarantee Mechanism of Public Services forPreschool Education in Rural Areas of Hunan Province, Key Project of HunanProvincial Department of Education.  (Project Number:17A143;Under studv)
4. 2008-2011 National Education Plan "Eleventh Five-Year" Ministry ofEducation key project "The status problems and countermeasures of thedevelopment of rural preschool education in the central region".(ProjectNumber: DHA080095"; Completed)
5. 2015-2018 Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund GeneralProject “Study on Quality Evaluation Standards for Kindergarten Education inHunan Province” Project
ProjectNumber: 15YBA270Completed

6.2005-2008Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project of Hunan Province“Fundamentals andCountermeasures for Creating Potential Energy in Children's Education”Project Number:. 05ZD03 Completed
7. 2010-2013 Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Fund: “Problems andCountermeasures for the Sustainable Development of Model Kindergartens”
Project Number:2010ZDB45 Completed
8. 1998-2001 Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science General Question“The Experimental Study on the Construction and Evaluation Method ofKindergarten Quality Education Target System”
Project Number:98B031 Completed
9. 2007-2010  Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Fund Project“Study on the Cultivation of Undergraduate Talents for Preschool Education inHigher Normal Colleges”
ProjectNumber: 07YBB134 Completed
10. 2011-2014 Sub-topics of the National The Twelve-Five-year National FundingProject “National Funding Project for Protecting School-age Children AcceptingBasic but Quality Preschool Education Policies and Mechanisms” “Basic Needs andCountermeasures for Preschool Education Services for Rural Children"  
11. 2012-2015 "The Twelfth Five-Year" Major Bidding Project of HunanProvince's Education Plan "Study on the Construction of Public ServiceSystem for Preschool Education in Hunan Province"  
Project Number:XJK012ZDZB001Completed

12.2008-2011Hunan Provincial Education Plan "12th Five-Year Plan" Key SponsoredProject "Research on the Development and Utilization of KindergartenCurriculum Resources in Hunan Province" Project Number : XJK08AJJ012Completed
13.2003-2006 Hunan Provincial Education Science “ The Eleventh Five-Year Plan”focused on the topic of “Creation Education Obstacle Study”,
Project Number:XJK03AZ00Completed
14.2012-2014Hunan Provincial Department of Education Key Sponsored Projects:“Study on the Teacher Protection Mechanism in the Preschool Education PublicService System of Hunan Province”
Project Number: 12A093 Completed
15.2004-2007 Hunan Provincial Department of Education funded “Theory andPractice of Research on Children's Creative Obstacles”  
Project Number:04C324Completed
16.2001-2004 General Education Project of Education Department of the Ministryof Education, “Evaluation Study of Quality Education in Hunan Province”
Project Number:01C154Completed

17.In2013, she presided over the “Educational Laws and Regulations for EarlyChildhood Education”,a national teacher education project 0f sharing qualitycurriculum.The project was passed the acceptance inspection in 2016, andrecognized by the Ministry of Education as a state-level quality sharingresource in 2017.


II. Monographsand Papers
1.Yang Lijun.(2013). Kindergarten education goal and evaluation system.Changsha: Hunan Normal University Press.
2.Yang Lijun.(2008). Children's creative education obstacle theory.Changsha:Hunan Normal University Press.
3.Yang Lijun.(2018). Research on the Construction of Public Service Systemfor Preschool Education in Hunan Province. Changsha: Hunan NormalUniversity Press.

Main academic papers:

1.Yang Lijun, &Wang Yanfeng. (2014). Canada's newentry teacher education policy and its inspiration to China. TeacherEducation Research, 26 (5), 100-106.   CSSCI
2. Yang Lijun, & Wu Lingxiao.(2015).Research on Quality of KindergartenMusic Collective Teaching Activities. Teacher Education Research, 27(2),92-98.   CSSCI
3. Yang Lijun, & Luo Yeqi.(2014).Qualityevaluation of demonstration kindergarten game activities.Preschool EducationResearch, 12, 50-54.   CSSCI
4.Yang Lijun, & Li Yuxi.(2013).The Construction of Teacher Support Systemfor Preschool Education Public Service System in Hunan Province.PreschoolEducation Research, 9, 56-66.   CSSCI
5.Yang Lijun, Hu Jieqiong, & Du Shuhui.(2013).Researchon the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Quality of Collective TeachingActivities in Rural Kindergartens——Taking some Kindergartens in Hunan Provinceas Examples. Teacher Education Research, 25(5), 37-42.   CSSCI
6. Yang Lijun, & Deng Shuang.(2012).Research onthe Effectiveness of Teacher Guidance in Kindergartens Regional Activities:Taking Some Model Kindergartens in Hunan Province as an Example.Journal ofTeacher Education Research, 24(2), 33-37.    CSSCI

7.Yang Lijun, & Deng Shuang.(2012).TheEffectiveness of Demonstration Kinds of Regional Kindergarten Activities.PreschoolEducation Research, 5,44-47.    CSSCI

8.Yang Lijun, & Cao Li.(2011).Problems in theDevelopment of Rural Preschool Education in the Central Region andCountermeasures. Preschool Education Research, 6, 21-26.  CSSCI
9. Yang Lijun, & Zhou Ling.(2010).Research onSurvival Status of Rural Preschool Teachers: Taking Rural Preschool Teachers inFour Central Provinces as an Example.Journal of Teacher Education Research, 5,27-31.    CSSCI
10. Yang Lijun, & Luo Jing. (2010). Problems and Solutions in the Processof Developing and Utilizing Local Ethnic Cultural Resources in Kindergartens——Takingthe Development of Local Miao Cultural Curriculum Resources in the Kindergartenin Yanling County as an Example. Preschool Education Research, 7, 51-53.    CSSCI

11.Yang Lijun, & Kang Dan.(2006).Reflections onSome Problems in the Cultivation of Undergraduates Majoring in PreschoolEducation in Teachers Colleges. Teacher Education Research, 5, 70-74.   CSSCI
12. Yang Lijun, & Kang Dan.(2007).Observationand Study on Teachers' Questions in Collective Teaching Activities inKindergartens.Preschool Education Research,2, 22-26. CSSCI
13.Yang Lijun, & Cao Li.(2009).Reconstructionof Talent Cultivation Model of Undergraduate Preschool Education Program inTeachers Colleges and Universities. Journal of Educational Science of HunanNormal University, 4, 82-85.   CSSCI

14.YangLijun, & Chen Si.(2010).The status quo andsuggestions of professional development approaches for rural preschoolteachers: Take C County, Hunan Province as an example. Journal ofEducational Science of Hunan Normal University, 6, 92-95.   CSSCI
15.Yang Lijun.(2004).The Montessori Educational Lawneeds scientific interpretation and localization. People's Education, 11,23-25.   CSSCI
16.Yang Lijun. (2004). Negative Effects of ChineseTraditional Culture on Creativity Education. Teacher Education Research, 2,45-49.    CSSCI
17.Yang Lijun.(2005).On the Reform of Teachers' andTeachers' Education Model. Preschool Education Research, 9, 37-39.   CSSCI
18.Yang Lijun.(2005). on the concept oflife-oriented teaching and preschool education teaching practice. ChineseJournal of Education, 12, 67-69.   CSSCI
19.Yang Lijun.(2002). The unity of the scientificworld and the world of life - and the orientation of the new curriculum. ChineseJournal of Education, 6, 14-17+23.   CSSCI
20.Yang Lijun.(2002).The Construction ofTheoretical Model of Preschool Children's Mathematics Education Objectives. Journalof Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, 2, 91-94.  CSSCI

21.YangLijun, & Cao Li.(2010).Problemsand Countermeasures in Content Selection and Implementation of RuralKindergarten Teaching Activities: A Case of Rural Nursery in Four CentralProvinces. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University, 3,72-75.    CSSCI
22.Yang Lijun, & Hu Jieqiong.(2013).Research on the Basic Demands andCountermeasures of Rural Children's Preschool Education Public Service: TakingHunan Province as an Example. Journal of Educational Science of Hunan NormalUniversity, 2, 98-102+124.  CSSCI
23. Yang Lijun, & Peng rong.(2017). Onprocedural preschool education basic quality evaluation concept. Journal ofEducational Science of Hunan Normal University, 6, 110-115  CSSCI
24. Yang Lijun, & He Hongfang.(2017).Researchon the Construction of Kindergarten Teaching Quality Assessment Index System. Journalof Teacher Education Research, 5, 81-88.   CSSCI
25. Yang Lijun, & Qiu Shiqi.(2016).Investigationand Research on the Status Quo of Kindergarten Teachers' Rights and Interests:A Case Study of 40 Kindergartens in Hunan Province. Journal of EducationalScience of Hunan Normal University, 6, 76-85.   CSSCI
26. Yang Lijun, & Wang Yanfeng.(2016).The Comparison of Teachers andChildren in China and Western Countries: Differences and Enlightenment.Journalof Teacher Education Research, 2, 123-128.   CSSCI

III. Theeditorial materials
1.Yang Lijun.(2015).Early Childhood Education Policies and Regulations.Higher Education Press.
2.Yang Lijun.(2015).Preschool education policyregulations. Hunan University Press.
3.Yang Lijun.(2015).Preschool education policiesand regulations. Higher Education Press (National Self-Study textbook).
4.Yang Lijun.(2008).Introduction to PreschoolEducation Policies and Regulations. Hunan Normal University Press.
5.Yang Lijun.(2006).Infant self-education.Central South University Press.
6.Yang Lijun.(2016). Kindergarten Class Management. Beijing Institute ofTechnology Press.
7.Yang Lijun.(2012).Exploration and Performance. Kindergarten EducationalActivity Resource Package. Hunan Science and Technology Press.
8.Yang Lijun.(2016).Experience and Exploration. Learning Resources for EarlyChildhood Education. Hunan Education Press.


IV. TheMain Award
Shewon the second prize of Hunan Higher Education Teaching Achievement in 2004 for“the theory and practice of preschool education curriculum and teachingreform”.

Next:Weimin Zhang
